240v metal halide ballast wiring diagram. Metal halide ballast wiring diagram gallery. 1 lamp instant start ballast diagram. 240 volt 3 wire split phase ballast bypass wiring instructions and diagram posted by sam t on 4272017 to led parking lot lights so you are trying to change to led lights with 240volt but now you have 2 hot wires and a neutralground coming out of the building. Parallel ballasts can only be wired in parallel according to the diagram on the ballast.
1 lamp rapid start ballast diagram. Metal halide ballast wiring diagram whats wiring diagram. The ballast data tables in our catalog indicate the page number and reference letter corresponding to the correct diagram for each ballast product. A wiring diagram is a streamlined standard photographic representation of an electric circuit.
Refer to the table in our catalog for the required ballast before referencing any diagram. Assortment of metal halide ballast wiring diagram. Click on the image to enlarge and then save it to your computer by right clicking. Metal halide light wiring 240.
Symbols that represent the components within the circuit and lines that represent the connections bewteen barefoot and shoes. A wiring diagram is a type of schematic which uses abstract pictorial symbols showing all the interconnections of components inside a system. Changing the wiring on a fluorescent light fixture from series to parallel involves changing the ballast from a series to a compatible parallel ballast. Wiring a 35w 50w 70w 100w or 150 w metal halide ballast.
It shows the components of the circuit as simplified forms as well as the power as well as signal connections in between the gadgets. Metal halide ballast wiring diagram together with photocell wiring. Wiring diagrams for venture standard metal halide ballast products are provided on this page.